UT Austin Students in Data Science and Machine Learning (DSML) Lab (in random order):

  • Khai Nguyen (Co-mentored with Peter Mueller) - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Huy Nguyen (Co-mentored with Alessandro Rinaldo) - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Khang Le (Co-mentored with Constantine Caramanis) - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Son Nguyen (Co-mentored with Qiang Liu) - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Luke Galvan - Phd Student, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin

  • Nicola Bariletto - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Pedram Akbarian - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Fanqi Yan - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Trung Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Dung Le - Incoming Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Hien Dang - Incoming Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

UT Austin Junior collaborators (in random order):

  • Tongzheng Ren - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin — > Current: Quantitative Researcher, Citadel Securities

  • Jeong Yeol Kwon - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin — > Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Wisconsin, Madison

  • Jiacheng Zhuo - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin — > Current: Quantitative Researcher, Hudson River Trading (HRT)

  • Quentin Fruytier - Incoming Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Litu Rout - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Xing Han - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin  — > Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Computer Science, John Hopskins University

  • Fuheng Cui - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Alexia Atsidakou - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Disha Makhija - Phd Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Trung Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Bowei Yan - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin  — > Current: Quantitative Researcher, Citadel Securities

  • Mingzhang Yin - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin  — > Postdoctoral Fellow, Data Science Institute, Columbia  — > Current: Assistant Professor, University of Florida

Non-UT Austin Junior collaborators (in random order):

  • Tudor Manole - Phd Student, Department of Statistics and Data Science, CMU — > Next: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, MIT

  • Raaz Dwivedi - Phd Student, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley  — > Past: Postdoctoral Fellow, MIT and Harvard — > Current, Assistant Professor, Department of Operations Research and Information Engineering, Cornell

  • Tianyi Lin - Phd Student, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley — > Current, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Engineering and Operations Research (IEOR), Columbia

  • Wenlong Mou - Phd Student, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley — > Current, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical Science, University of Toronto

  • Koulik Khamaru - Phd Student, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley — > Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Rutgers

  • Tan Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of EECS, Rice University — > Past: Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, UCLA  — > Current: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, National University of Singapore (NUS)

  • Tin Nguyen - Postdoctoral Fellow, Inria centre at the University Grenoble Alpes in the Statify team

  • Aritra Guha - Phd Student, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor — > Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Statistical Science, Duke — > Current: Research Scientist, AT&T AI Lab

  • Anh Nguyen - Microsoft AI

  • Shujian Zhang - Research Scientist, Zoom AI

  • Minh Pham - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Mathematics, UCLA

  • Tam Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Electrical Engineering, Rice University

  • Wenshuo Guo - Phd Student, Department of EECS, University of California, Berkeley — > Current: Global Macroeconomist, Balyasny

  • Duy Nguyen - Phd Student at Machine Learning & Simulation Lab, University of Stuttgart

  • Tung Le - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

  • Trang Nguyen - Undergraduate Student, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology — > Current: AI Resident, VinAI Research

  • Trang Pham - Undergraduate Student, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology — > Current: AI Resident, VinAI Research

  • Minh Le - Undergraduate Student, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology — > Current: AI Resident, VinAI Research

  • Hai Nguyen - Undergraduate Student, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology — > Current: AI Resident, VinAI Research

  • An Nguyen - Undergraduate Student, School of Information and Communication Technology, Hanoi University of Science and Technology — > Current: AI Resident, FPT AI

  • Dang Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, UCLA

  • Dat Do - Phd Student, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • Khang Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Mathematics, UCLA

  • Anh Vu - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, UIUC

  • Hoang Phan - Phd Student, Department of Data Science, New York University (NYU)

  • Tam Le - Past: Research Scientist, RIKEN Center for Advanced Intelligence Project (RIKEN AIP) — > Current, Assistant Professor, Department of Statistical Inference and Mathematics, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics (ISM), Japan

  • Khanh Nguyen - Undergraduate Student, Department of Computer Science, Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

  • Hoang Nguyen Phd student, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Gatech)

  • Minh Nguyen - Phd student, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, MIT

  • Khanh Nguyen - Phd Student, Department of Computer Science, Deakin University, Australia — > Current: Applied Research Scientist, VinAI Research

  • Khiem Pham - Phd student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cornell University

  • Chiao-Yu Yang - Phd Student, Department of Mathematics, University of California, Berkeley — > Current: Quantitative Researcher, Voleon Group

  • Mikhail Yurochkin - Research Staff Member at IBM Research AI

  • Viet Huynh - Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Machine Learning and Data Science, Monash University

UT Austin Senior collaborators (in alphabetical order):

  • Constantine Caramanis - William H. Hartwig Fellowship Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Alex Dimakis - Archie W. Straiton Fellowshipp Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Arya Farahi - Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Qiang Liu - Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Joe Kileel - Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin

  • Joydeep Ghosh - Schlumberger Centennial Chair Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Aryan Mokhtari - Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Peter Mueller - Professor, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Alessandro Rinaldo - Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Science, University of Texas, Austin

  • Sujay Sanghavi - Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas, Austin

  • Purnamrita Sarkar - Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics and Data Sciences, , University of Texas, Austin

  • Stephen Walker - Professor, Department of Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

  • Rachel Ward - W. A. Tex Moncrief Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics, , University of Texas, Austin

  • Mingyuan Zhou - Associate Professor, Department of Information, Risk, Operations Management and Statistics and Data Sciences, University of Texas, Austin

Non-UT Austin Senior collaborators (in alphabetical order):

  • Anima Anandkumar - Bren professor, Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences, California Institute of Technology

  • Richard Baraniuk - Victor E. Cameron Professor, Department of EECS, Rice University

  • Peter Bartlett - Professor, Department of EECS and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

  • Andrea L. Bertozzi - Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

  • Hung Bui - Director, VinAI Research

  • Xi Chen - Assistant Professor, Stern School of Business, New York University

  • Marco Cuturi - Research Scientist, Google Brain; Professor of Statistics, CREST - ENSAE, Institut Polytechnique de Paris

  • Avi Feller - Assistant Professor, Department of of Public Policy and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

  • Will Fithian - Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

  • Michael I. Jordan - Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor, Department of EECS and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

  • Abbas Khalili - Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University

  • Trung Le - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia

  • Luke Miratrix - Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Education, Harvard University

  • Long Nguyen - Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • Binh Nguyen - Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Ho Chi Minh University of Science, Vietnam National University

  • Matthias Niepert - Professor, University of Stuttgart and International Max Planck Research School for Intelligent Systems

  • Stanley Osher - Professor, Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles

  • Ankit Patel - Assistant Professor, Department of EECS, Baylor College of Medicine & Rice University

  • Natesh Pillai - Professor, Department of Statistics, Harvard University

  • Tung Pham - Research Scientist, VinAI Research

  • Quang Pham - Research Scientist, Machine Intellection Department, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*Star

  • Dinh Phung - Professor, Department of Machine Learning and Data Science, Monash University

  • Ya’acov Ritov - Professor, Department of Statistics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

  • Suchi Saria - John C. Malone Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University

  • Martin J. Wainwright - Chancellor's Professor, Department of EECS and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley

  • Xiaohui Xie - Professor, Department of Computer Science, University of California, Irvine

  • Makoto Yamada - Associate Professor, Kyoto University; Unit Leader, High-dimensional Statistical Modeling Unit, RIKEN AIP

  • Bin Yu - Chancellor's Professor, Department of EECS and Statistics, University of California, Berkeley