Preprints/ Publications (by year)

(* = equal contribution )
(** = alphabetical order )
( = co-last author )

Journal Submissions

  • A general theory for softmax gating Gaussian mixture of experts . Under review.
    Huy Nguyen, Nhat Ho, Alessandro Rinaldo.

  • A model-independent approach for federated learning in heterogeneous and label-scarce environments . Under review.
    Disha Makhija, Nhat Ho, Joydeep Ghosh.

  • Energy meets sliced Wasserstein distance: From linear to nonlinear projections . To be submitted.
    Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho.

  • On mean-field variational inference: Non-asymptotic approximation, Bayesian inference, and parameter estimation. To be submitted.
    Wenlong Mou, Nhat Ho, Martin J. Wainwright, Peter L. Bartlett, Michael I. Jordan.

Conference Submissions

Journal Under Revision



  • [67] On parameter estimation in deviated Gaussian mixture of experts. AISTATS, 2024.
    Huy Nguyen, Khai Nguyen, Nhat Ho.





Before 2020

Phd Thesis/ Manuscripts